In the "olden" days I always had my kids write a letter of advice to the students who would be taking their place in my classroom...why did I stop doing this? So today my kids will create "products" instead of letters for the new group of students that will start Genius Hour next year. The hardest part for many students, with genius hour, is simply getting started, so I hope one of the products produced by my awesome kiddos will solve that.
Product vs Letters: in my courses students learn a variety of tech tools and I am hoping they use something jazzy and creative vs a letter. My thoughts on what they could use include (but I really hope they app smash and I am not sharing my list below with them!):
- Tackk
- Google Drawing
- PowToon
- GoAnimate
- Animoto
- iMovie
- Canva
- Google Slides
- PowerPoint
- Desktop Publishing
- Thinglink
Here is the Rubric I will share with them and I will be sure and share some of their best work.