Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Google Goodness

I am so excited for my colleague and daily inspiration, Ann Brucker, for being accepted to the Google Teacher Academy this December!  Ann exemplifies what a Google Certified Teacher is!  All GCT's are accepted based on these three criteria, which are Ann to the A:

  1. Outstanding educators with a passion for using innovative technologies and approaches to improve teaching and learning.
  2. Creative leaders who understand opportunities and challenges, and have a desire to help empower others in their local community and beyond.
  3. Ambassadors for change who model high expectations, life-long learning, collaboration, equity, and innovation.

Summer Presentation about GTAMTV

Primary Phase I TILT

Day one of TILT Primary with Passion was amazing.  The best part of the day was that my primary group set the norm of being infectious sharers!  What an awesome Norm!  They also created great posters in Canva.

Here are a few examples

Friday, October 10, 2014

Projecting from a MacBook

This is always a bit tricky!  This is a great resource to help with projecting.