Friday, April 29, 2016

Thank you BEA


Dear BEA,

Thank you so much for the recognition of Billings Education Association Teacher of the Year for 2016. I feel humbled, honored and surprised! My role as a technology integration specialist allows me to see the great work of our profession in action, so I know first hand the many amazing teachers that are deserving of this honor.

I’m not sure why a letter of nomination was written or even who wrote it but I hope the reason is because the writer knows I value teachers, this amazing profession, and the significant role our union plays in our progress. I am in awe by the art our teachers showcase in their classrooms and I hope the nomination was because I have made whoever the teacher is feel as important as they are. Many have heard my little GEEK ditty (with no singing), but the message that’s important in that rant is that kids are our greatest asset and therefore teachers are our second greatest asset. This second asset would crumble if we did not have the foundation and continued support of our union.

Sometimes folks ask how or why I do things outside my job description and my response is “it’s my turn”. There have been so many amazing union members, teachers and others who have gone above and beyond to ensure our profession stays strong, I can’t let that momentum drop. So, I do a little here and there to take my turn, just as so many do. If we all continue to work together and creatively tackle the challenges I have hope that our profession will grow stronger.

So, once again thank you so much for this huge honor. I have always felt indebted to the union for what they do for me but now even more so. Thank you from the bottom of a teacher’s heart (which is super deep).


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